The large bag design is new. It's taller than bags I've made previously and has no outside pocket.
I've kept the seams as neat as possible so it could, sort of, be reversible. I put an extra large pocket on the inside. There is no closure at the top.
This little bag worked out much better than the last one. The zip is still a problem but I think it's because I've been using zips that are too long. The handle on this one is much neater and has less of a dragged-through-hedge look than the last one.
And I attached it to the right side this time!
I really like these fabrics together.
Purple + polka dots = win!
As a recipient of the aforementioned tote (in dusky pink with delicate flowery lining) complete with small makeup bag for One's Birthday, I can highly recommend this as an extremely necessary, stylish, professionally made & functional Lady's Item. With plenty of room in the expansive main bag for those travel necessities when dashing through airports & for fashionable sale items when Out On The Town, plus the very handy removable make-up purse for those Powdering One's Nose moments, One can go far and achieve much when owning this amazing receptacle. As a grateful customer I would encourage the Grande Dame's devoted followers to lash out & purchase this essential handmade bag:)